The bones of the foot are intended to move in specific directions during different parts of the gait (walking) cycle. When these aren’t moving properly, they can negatively affect the forces going through the foot, leg, knee, and even higher up into the hips and low back resulting in pain or discomfort. Orthotics help to support and maintain proper biomechanics and alignment, reducing stress through joints and reducing forces through muscles and tendons.

Chiropractors are trained to assess and determine when orthotics would be of benefit to your musculoskeletal health. Custom orthotics are made specifically for your feet and functional needs by using a 3D cast of your foot. In some cases, it may be recommended you try over the counter or prefabricated orthotics first. Custom orthotics are most often used to compliment manual therapy (joint and muscle treatment), rehabilitation therapy (exercises and stretches), and education (lifestyle and footwear).

What conditions may benefit from orthotics? Foot conditions including metatarsalgia, morton’s neuroma, fat pad atrophy, plantar fasciitis, bone spurs, hallux rigidus, and tarsal tunnel syndrome; as well as knee pain, hip pain, and low back pain.

Custom orthotics are typically casted and dispensed by chiropractors, physiotherapists, podiatrists, and chiropodists. Check your extended health benefits to see what type of coverage you have. It is important to determine the requirements specific to your insurance company, as some require a referral from a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.

Haptic Health and Chiropractic is excited to offer this service to Newmarket and York Region. Please don’t hesitate to call or email if you have any questions or are interested to know if custom orthotics may benefit you.

Image reference:
Feet – by Charli Lopez – CC BY